Check out our upcoming events, and if you have an event that you would like the club to participate in, just let us know! We are always looking for charity events to "Party With A Purpose"!
September Gathering
September 26, 2020
Muddy River Distillery
Belmont, NC
Date & Time TBA
We will gather at the distillery then head into Belmont for dinner.
Check out Groupon for latest savings at the Distillery: https://www.groupon.com/deals/muddy-river-distillery-1-1
February Social
February 22, 2020
Saturday, February 22
Queen Park Social
4125 Yancey Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217
So many days to celebrate in February:
Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday.
What’s left?
Saturday, February 22
As all good Parrotheads do
Celebrate National Margarita Day with your PHCC!
***Treasure Chest of Booze***
This is a raffle item we are advertising for the Buffett Concert Pre-Party. This is supplied by us – PHCC members. Please bring a bottle of liquor or wine with you to our February Social. Cannot attend? Contact a board member to meet up with you, donate cash at the social, or donate via PayPal (note your name & donation on memo line as “Treasure Chest of Booze”.) We need everyone’s participation for success. Our charity (TBA) is the real winner.
January Social
January 25, 2020
A WINE TASTING - for the inner Wino in you!
Theme: Wine from North America
When: Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 3:00 pm-Until?
Where: Dennis & Cheryl Lorich's Home
2714 Cypress Oak Lane, Gastonia, NC 28056
(Grey house with navy blue shutters)
Note: NO Parking is allowed on our side of the street.
Please bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer or dessert to share.
The wine can be sweet, dry, white, or red. Bring a favorite, or a bottle you've been wanting to try.
Not into wine? No problem. There will be Rum Punch too!
** Have a friend or two that really like wine? Bring them along - maybe they'll be interested in joining the Club!
Please let us know if you will be attending so we can get a head count.
RSVP to Cheryl: clorich888@gmail.com
Let's Party with a Purpose:
Please bring non-perishable food item
to donate to 2nd Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina.
Holiday Party
December 14, 2019
Crown Station Coffee House and Pub
3629 N Davidson St
Charlotte, NC
We have had a great year - come celebrate all that we have accomplished!
* PHCC will supply light refreshments;
* Crown Station has a full bar for you to purchase beverages;
* T-shirts available for purchase;
* Information about the club for those who are not current members;
* Meet the new board members;
* Enjoy musical entertainment provided by Kevin Loop.
**USO of NC: Toys For Our Troops**
Please bring an unwrapped toy
We look forward to seeing everyone. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to reach out to any board member. Check website for email addresses.
October Social
October 12, 2019
High Seas Miniature Golf
1001 Charlotte Hwy Fort Mill, SC 29707
Come join us for some fun in the sun and show off your putt-putt skills! For those who wish just to socialize, come hang out at Castaways Beer and Wine Garden.
Bring the keets, grand keets & phriends for an afternoon of Pirates, Pillaging and Plundering!
Halloween Costume Contest for all who DARE to dress up!
Best Costume wins $40 Gift Card!
Sandlapper PHC invited to join us.
Adults: $9
Seniors: $7
Keets (Ages 4-12): $7
Keets (3 & under): Free
Police Officers, Teachers, Firefighters, Military, Veterans Play for FREE!
Pizza, soda and water will be provided.
September 21, 2019
Copper Premium Pub
4516 Charlotte Hwy
Lake Wylie, SC 29710
Students & teachers in our area are back to school. Please bring school supplies to restock the shelves for Classroom Central:
Crayons & Markers,
Pencils – regular & colored,
Composition Books,
Glue – stick or liquid
***Cannot participate or don't have time to pick up an item but want to contribute? No problem - you can still participate!
PayPal by September 21st:
* Log into your PayPal account,
* Select “Pay or send money” and choose "sending money to friends and family",
* Enter your name and note donation for Classroom Central,
* Enter email address: secretary@parrotheadclubofcharlotte.com & click “Next”,
* Choose amount, click “Continue”, include your name in the memo.
Come experience the Lake Wylie lifestyle. We've invited the members of The Sandlapper ParrotHead Club to join us.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Club Service Project
May 02, 2020
Club Service Project with Humane Society of Charlotte
UPDATE 8/31/19
We are sorry to inform the club that the October fence project has been cancelled as there was a scheduling conflict with the Humane Society. We have requested that they contact us in the beginning of the year to schedule a future project.
Thank you to all who signed up.
Jacques Lemerand, Member-At-Large
August Social & Club’s 24th Birthday Party
August 03, 2019
We are celebrating the ParrotHead Club of Charlotte’s 24th Birthday & supporting the Humane Society of Charlotte as we "Party With A Purpose"!
Please bring donations for the Humane Society of Charlotte:
* Paper towels is a big one, always run out very quickly,
* New or gently used collars,
* Non-retractable leashes,
* Linens and towels,
* Toys (cat and dog),
* Grooming supplies,
* Will accept food and treats that are non-prescription, even opened bags as long as they are taped closed and spill free.
***Cannot attend or don't have time to pick up an item but want to contribute? No problem - you can still participate!
We can accept:
- cash or check at the event,
- PayPal by August 20th:
* Log into your PayPal account,
* Select “Pay or send money” and choose "sending money to friends and family"
* Enter your name and note donation for Humane Society
* Enter email address: secretary@parrotheadclubofcharlotte.com & click “Next”
* Choose amount, click “Continue”, include your name in the memo.
Check event page for info concerning our Club Service Project:
We are donating our time on August 24, 2019
Humane Society of Charlotte
2646 Toomey Ave. CLT, NC 28203.
We will assist the Humane Society with miscellaneous tasks around their facility.
Must contact Jacques Lemerand at jplclparrotheadclub@gmail.com to sign up for this event.
CLT Knights vs Red Sox Pawtucket
* Saturday, July 27, 7:04pm
* Jimmy Buffett Night: PHCC come out and enjoy the sounds of JB at the game.
* Promotion: Matt Parrott "Parrott Head" Bobblehead
The Charlotte Knights will honor head groundskeeper, Matt Parrott, with a Bobblehead on "Jimmy Buffett" Night given to 1st 2,000 (gates open at 6:00). Parrott has earned Triple-A Sports Turf Manager of the Year in each of the past two seasons.
We have purchased a limited number of tickets - $20 each
If you want a ticket, please contact ASAP:
Bill McFarlane
Jacques Lemerand
After you contact Biil or Jacques, you can pay through PayPal/visit our website for specific instructions. Include your name & note CLT Baseball Game in Memo.
Walk MS: Charlotte 2019
April 27, 2019
Team: Phlock MS
Symphony Park, 4400 Sharon Rd, CLT 28211
We've chosen National Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS) to support this year. MS is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body.
To support MS research, we are participating in Walk MS: Charlotte on Saturday, April 27, 2019.
One of our PHCC members (recently diagnosed with MS), has formed a team “Phlock MS” for Walk MS - an event that brings together a community of passionate people to connect and raise funds to change the world for everyone affected by multiple sclerosis.
As Parrotheads, we want to party the Phlock out of MS! We hope you will join our team. We're taking a step towards a world free of MS.
* Ways you can participate:
1. Join or donate team Phlock MS:
2. Opportunities to volunteer at the walk:
* Finish Line Cheering - must contact Missy with name & shirt size by 4/17
* Join us at our PHCC table before, during, or after walk in Team Village - contact Missy.
* Check MS Volunteer link below for specialized duties.
Contact Missy with questions or for additional details: melissao.mcfarlane@gmail.com
In addition, if you donate, join the team, or volunteer, please contact Missy so we can track & thank our PHCC members.